HKLA 60th Anniversary
2018 is an important year for HKLA as we celebrate our 60th Anniversary. We are a registered non-profit association, working to promote librarianship in Hong Kong, offering opportunities for professional growth, networking, and community service. Our members are drawn from the public, academic, school and special library sectors, as well as students of library and information science. Our activities include organizing workshops, seminars, visits to libraries with new and exciting developments, awards and bursaries for students, as well as keeping our members informed via our website and social media. For our 60th Anniversary year we are focusing on how librarianship can support sustainable development in Hong Kong.
HKLA’s activities to celebrate the 60th Anniversary in 2018:
17 March 2018 | First local visit to the City University of Hong Kong Library and Hong Kong Baptist University Library |
14 – 15 May 2018 | IFLA, HKLA and MLIMA Workshop : “Libraries, Development and Implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda” |
30 June 2018 | Second local visit to ShenZhen |
21 July 2018 (Saturday) | Hong Kong Library Education & Career Forum 2018 |
3 September 2018 | Barbara Lison talk on Reading Promotion |
11 September 2018 | HKLA 60th Anniversary Dinner |
September 2018 | Application for Heleni Linton Bursary and Hong Kong Library Association Biennial Award 2018 |
October 2018 | Unconference: “Libraries of the Future” |
November 2018 | Overseas Study Trip to Korea |
December 2018 | HKLA Annual General Meeting 2018 |