

History of Hong Kong Library Association

In the 1950’s, Hong Kong had just been gradually recovering from a series of wars and the library services in Hong Kong were not yet so well developed at that time. In early 1958, Mrs. Dorothea Scott, the Librarian of University of Hong Kong, realized that in a long run, it was necessary to establish an organization to unite the practitioners in different libraries and information institutions, to plan and promote the development of the library profession and to enhance the professional status of the library practitioners. On 3rd April, over 40 library practitioners from different local libraries and information institutes attended a meeting convened by Mrs. Scott at Fung Ping Shan Library, University of Hong Kong, to determine on the establishment of the association. The inaugural meeting of the association was held on the 11th September and Mrs. Scott was elected the first Chairman of the association. The first Council was set up and the constitutions were endorsed. The founding of the association laid a milestone on the development of library and information profession in Hong Kong.

Over the past 52 years, through the enthusiasms and efforts of a group of voluntary library practitioners, the association greatly helped to enhance the development of local library and information profession, raise the professional status of library practitioners and unite the interests of them through the provision of a series of academic activities, publications, professional courses, scholarships and awards, etc.



Wilson Chu was elected President. January, added FPS as an alternative for membership renewal payment. June, local visit to the Hong Kong University of Science ...


January, Wilson Chu was elected President March, co-hosted the webinar “Green and Sustainable Library” with Goethe-Institut July, collaborated with the HKPL and held the 2022 ...


Mr. Kendall Crilly was elected President. March, hosted the first online session of “What’s Trending in the Field”. Two presentations are given, “Digital Scholarship and ...


Mr. Owen Tam was elected President. January, launched the electronic membership card. March, April, responded to IFLA with a summary of how HK academic libraries ...


Ms. Diana Chan was elected President. March, held a talk “Library and Information Science Education in the Age of Big Data”. March, local visit to ...


Ms. Louise Jones was elected President. March, local visit to Hong Kong Baptist University Library and City University of Hong Kong – Run Run Shaw ...


Ms. Louise Jones was elected President. February, held an evening talk “Creative Interdisciplinary Methodology for Change Management” jointly with Goethe-Institut HK. April, local visit to ...


Ms. Mary Cheng was elected President. Local visits and one oversea study trip to Singapore were held. Members visited Police Force Research Library, Trade Development Council ...


Mr. Bryant McEntire was elected President. February, local visit to Fung Learning Resources Centre at King George V School. June, local visit to the Library ...


Mr. Li Haipeng was elected President. Digitisation project of some 40,000 photos of the HKLA archives. April, local visit to Hong Kong Film Archive. April, ...


Mr. Li Haipeng was elected President. March, local visits to the University Library System of Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK ULS), to the Architecture ...


Mr. Peter Sidorko was elected President. March, local visits to Conservation Laboratory of Hong Kong Heritage Museum and Sha Tin Public Library. March, held the ...


Mr. Peter Sidorko was elected President. Kicked off the digitisation project of the HKLA Journal. February, co-held the IFLA Regional standing Committee, Asia and Oceania ...


Mr. Jim Chang was elected President. April, local visits to the library of Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Po Leung Kuk Museum. May, overseas ...


Mr. Jim Chang was elected President of the Association. March, the Association hosted a dinner with the delegates from “Macau Library and Information Management Association” ...


Mr. Michael Robinson was elected President of the Association. January, Ms. C. Liu hosted a subject talk to the Association. May, the delegates of the ...


Mr. Michael Robinson was elected President of the Association. April, Prof. B. Kauffman hosted a subject talk to the Association. April, the Association jointly organized ...


Ms. Julia Chan was elected President of the Association. March, Ms. W. Ritter and Prof. Eric Tsui hosted a subject talk to the Association. May, ...


Ms. Julia Chan was elected President of the Association. The “Dr. Kan Lai-bing Scholarship” was set up. May, the Association visited the Library of Beijing ...


Dr. Anthony Ferguson was elected President of the Association. April, Mr. Huff hosted a subject talk to the Association. April, Ms. Pancy Fung hosted a ...


Dr. Anthony Ferguson was elected President of the Association. August, Prof. Arsenault hosted a subject talk to the Association. August, the Association hosted the “Hong ...


Mr. Tommy Yeung was elected President of the Association. January, the Association visited the Macau Library May, the Association visited the National Library of Singapore ...


Mr. Tommy Yeung was elected President of the Association.


Ms. Lucinda Wong was elected President of the Association. May, the Association visited the Library in Fudan University, Shanghai


Ms. Lucinda Wong was elected President of the Association. The 19th issue of “Hong Kong Library Association Journal” was published.


Ms. Alima Tuet was elected President of the Association. November, the Association hosted a dinner for the delegates from libraries of Mainland China


Ms. Alima Tuet was elected President of the Association. The “Hong Kong Library Association Yearbook 1997” was published.


Dr. Grace Cheng was elected President of the Association. The Association published the “Guide to Hong Kong Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries and Information Resources” ...


Ms. Mary Leong was elected President of the Association. July, the Association jointly organize a conference on “Knowledge Management Towards Organisational Excellence” with the IEE ...


Ms. Mary Leong was elected President of the Association.


Mr. Chris Kwong was elected President of the Association. The 16th/17th issue of “Hong Kong Library Association Journal” was published.


Dr. Painan Wu was elected President of the Association. Dr. Painan Wu passed away. Mr. Chris Kwong stepped up the presidency of the Association. The ...


Mr. Colin Storey was elected President of the Association. The 15th issue of “Hong Kong Library Association Journal” was published.


Mr. Colin Storey was elected President of the Association. March, the 3-year “Diploma in Librarianship” and “Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Science” course jointly ...


Ms. Elaine Morgan was elected President of the Association. November, the 13th issue of “Hong Kong Library Association Journal” was published.


Dr. David Yen was elected President of the Association. The Association started to discuss with Riverina Institute (the predecessor of the Charles Sturt University) of ...


Dr. David Yen was elected Chairman of the Association. The Chairman of the Association was re-titled as the “President”. November, the 11th issue of “Hong ...


Mr. Philip Rappaport was elected Chairman of the Association. November, the 10th issue of “Hong Kong Library Association Journal” was published.


Ms. Ann Lee was elected Chairman of the Association July, Mr. Chris Kwong served as the Acting Chairman of the Association. November, the 9th issue ...


Mr. Malcolm Quinn was elected Chairman of the Association. November, the 8th issue of “Hong Kong Library Association Journal” was published.


Mr. Malcolm Quinn was elected Chairman of the Association. The Association published the “Directory of Special Libraries in Hong Kong” The first batch of students ...


Dr. Kan Lai-bing was elected Chairman of the Association. January, Mr. Godfrey Thompson hosted a subject talk to the Association. May, a workshop on book ...


Mr. T.A. Chow was elected Chairman of the Association. January, the 3-year part-time Diploma Course in Librarianship jointly presented by the Association and the Department ...


Mrs. Susanna Ko was elected Chairman of the Association. March, Prof. Helmut Arntz hosted a subject talk to the Association. June, Mr. W.H. Snape hosted ...


Mr. R.W. Frenier was elected Chairman of the Association. June, Mr. Joseph Wang hosted a subject talk to the Association. September, the Association organized a ...


Mr. R.W. Frenier was elected Chairman of the Association.


Miss S.C. Au-yeung was elected Chairman of the Association. February, Mr. Charles Bleasdale hosted a subject talk to the Association. March, Mr. D. Hausrath hosted ...


Dr. Kan Lai-bing was elected Chairman of the Association. February, Mr. M.E. Robinson hosted a subject talk to the Association. June, 6 British librarians jointly ...


Mr. B.L. Burton was elected Chairman of the Association. “Library Services in Hong Kong, a New Directory” compiled by Dr. Kan Lai-bing was published under ...


Mr. Malcolm Quinn was elected Chairman of the Association. January, the Association hosted a tea party and dinner for the LARC delegates Mr. M. Quinn, ...


Mr. T.A. Chow was elected Chairman of the Association. September, the “Certificate Course for Library Assistants” was jointly presented by the Association, the Department of ...


Mr. H.A Rydings was elected Chairman of the Association.


Mr. John Lam Cho-hon was elected Chairman of the Association. April, Mr. John Lust hosted a subject talk to the Association. The Association’s sub-committee on ...


Dr. Kan Lai-bing was elected Chairman of the Association. January, Mr. C.W. Toogood hosted a subject talk to the Association February, Mr. Raymond N.W. Tang ...


Mr. T.A. Chow was elected Chairman of the Association. August, Prof. W.L. Saunders hosted a subject talk to the Association. December, the first issue of ...


Mr. H.A Rydings was elected Chairman of the Association. March, “Newsletter of Hong Kong Library Association” was published. September, Dr. K.T. Wu hosted a subject ...


Mr. J.S. Bristow was elected Chairman of the Association. September, Mr. F.A. Sharri hosted a subject talk to the Association. The Extra-Mural Department, Chinese University ...


Mr. H.A Rydings was elected Chairman of the Association.


Mr. H.A Rydings was elected Chairman of the Association. May, Dr. J.H.P. Pafford hosted a subject talk to the Association. August, A seminar on “Libraries ...


Mr. H.A Rydings was elected Chairman of the Association. April, A seminar on “Introducing the reader to the library” was organized by the Association in ...


Mr. H.A Rydings was elected Chairman of the Association. “Libraries in Hong Kong, a directory” was published by the Association. The first issue of “Hong ...


Ms. Kan Lai-bing was elected Chairman of the Association. Mr. J.D. Pearson hosted 3 sessions of subject talks to the Association Mr. Chow Jui hosted ...


Ms. Kan Lai-bing was elected Chairman of the Association. Mr. J.M. Braga hosted a subject talk to the Association.


Ms. Dorothea Scott was elected Chairman of the Association. Miss Roy Land hosted a subject talk to the Association. Prof. Edmund Blunden hosted a subject ...


Ms. Ng Tung-king was elected Chairman of the Association.  


April, Librarian of the University of Hong Kong Library Mrs. Dorothea Scott convened a meeting in Fung Ping Shan Library and the decision to establish ...


1958 Ms. Dorothea Hayward Scott 施高德夫人
1959 Ms. Ng Tung-king 伍冬琼女士
1960 Ms. Dorothea Hayward Scott 施高德夫人
1961 Ms. Kan Lai-bing 簡麗冰女士
1962 Ms. Kan Lai-bing 簡麗冰女士
1963 Mr. H.A. Rydings 賴定仕先生
1964 Mr. H.A. Rydings 賴定仕先生
1965 Mr. H.A. Rydings 賴定仕先生
1966 Mr. H.A. Rydings 賴定仕先生
1967 Mr. J.S. Bristow
1968 Mr. H.A. Rydings 賴定仕先生
1969 Mr. T.A. Chow 周建華先生
1970 Dr. Kan Lai-bing 簡麗冰博士
1971 Mr. John Lam Cho-hon 林佐瀚先生
1972 Mr. H.A. Rydings 賴定仕先生
1973 Mr. T.A. Chow 周建華先生
1974 Mr. M. Quinn 奎恩先生
1975 Mr. B.L. Burton 貝禮敦先生
1976 Dr. Kan Lai-bing 簡麗冰博士
1977 Ms. S.C. Au Yeung 歐陽淑珍女士
1978 Mr. R.W. Frenier
1979 Mr. R.W. Frenier
1980 Ms. Susanna Ko 黃韻璇女士
1981 Mr. T.A. Chow 周建華先生
1982 Dr. Kan Lai-bing 簡麗冰博士
1983 Mr. M. Quinn 奎恩先生
1984 Mr. M. Quinn 奎恩先生
1985 Ms. Ann Lee (Jan-June)
Mr. Chris Kwong – Acting (July-Dec) 鄺志雄先生(署理)
1986 Mr. Philip Rappaport 林柏邦先生
1987 Dr. David S. Yen 顏達威博士


1988 Dr. David S. Yen 顏達威博士
1989 Ms. Elaine Morgan
1990 Mr. Colin Storey 施達理先生
1991 Mr. Colin Storey 施達理先生
1992 Dr. Painan Wu 吳培南博士
Mr. Chris Kwong 鄺志雄先生
1993 Mr. Chris Kwong 鄺志雄先生
1994 Mrs. Mary Leong 梁瑪麗女士
1995 Mrs. Mary Leong 梁瑪麗女士
1996 Mrs. Grace Cheng 鄭黃燕婷博士
1997 Ms. Alima Tuet 脫新範女士
1998 Ms. Alima Tuet 脫新範女士
1999 Ms. Lucinda Wong 黃潔萍女士
2000 Ms. Lucinda Wong 黃潔萍女士
2001 Mr. Tommy Yeung 楊繼賢先生
2002 Mr. Tommy Yeung 楊繼賢先生
2003 Dr. Anthony Ferguson 彭仁賢博士
2004 Dr. Anthony Ferguson 彭仁賢博士
2005 Ms. Julia Chan 陳麗業女士
2006 Ms. Julia Chan 陳麗業女士
2007 Mr. Michael Robinson 羅明新先生
2008 Mr. Michael Robinson 羅明新先生
2009 Mr. Jim H.Y. Chang 鄭學仁先生
2010 Mr. Jim H.Y. Chang 鄭學仁先生
2011 Mr. Peter Sidorko 蘇德毅先生
2012 Mr. Peter Sidorko 蘇德毅先生
2013 Mr. Li Haipeng 李海鵬先生
2014 Mr. Li Haipeng 李海鵬先生
2015 Mr. Bryant McEntire
2016 Ms. Mary Cheng 鄭劉美莉女士
2017 Ms. Louise Jones 李露絲女士
2018 Ms. Louise Jones 李露絲女士
2019 Ms. Diana Chan 陳麗霞女士
2020 Mr. Owen Tam 譚文力先生
2021 Mr. Kendall Crilly
Mr. Wilson Chu 朱振宏先生
2022 Mr. Wilson Chu 朱振宏先生