
Payment Methods

Payment Methods

For local payments:

  1. Cheque Payment
    Cheque must be made payable to Hong Kong Library Association and drawn on a bank in Hong Kong.
  1. Bank-in to HKLA’s HSBC account (account no. 511-335846-838 or FPS ID 104507215)
    1. Through Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
      Please complete Online Form with the screencap of bank-in receipt
    2. Through Payment by FPS
      1. On your Transfers/FPS screen, enter HKLA FPS ID 104507215
      2. Enter payment amount, payer name,and other required information
      3. Review and confirm
      4. Please complete Online Form with the screencap
    3. Through Payment by PayMe

      1. Tap on the P button, then click “Pay a friend”
      2. Select Pay to a bank account
      3. Enter the bank details
        Bank: (004) HSBC
        Account holder’s name: Hong Kong Library Association
        Branch Code: 511
        Account No: 335846838
      4. Tag Continue and enter HKD XXX
        Enter your message: [Payer name]
      5. Authorise your payment as normal
      6. Please complete Online Form with the screencap
    4. Through Payment by WeChat Pay

      1. Tag Me
      2. Tag Pay
      3. Tag FPS Transfer
      4. Tag Transfer
      5. Tag Bank Account and enter the bank details
        Payee Bank: (004) HSBC HK
        Account No: 511335846838
        Payee Name: Hong Kong Library Association
        Amount: HK$ XXX
        Notes: [Payer name]
      6. Tag Next and authorise your payment as normal
      7. Please complete Online Form with the screencap

    For overseas payments:

    1. Demand Draft
      A Demand Draft in Hong Kong dollars must be made payable to Hong Kong Library Association and drawn on a bank in Hong Kong.