HKLA Annual General Meeting 2018

The 2018 AGM was a great way to sum up HKLA’s 60th anniversary year. The year was full, with local and overseas visits, talks, workshops, an unconference, and our anniversary gala dinner.
Guest speaker, Dr Henry Lau, gave an inspiring talk on “XR technology: Impact and Future Outlook". HKLA members were invited to think about the application of XR technology in teaching and learning, as well as our daily lives. The entertaining and inspiring talk gave us all something to reflect on going into a new year with new technology and new opportunities!
We were honoured to present several fellowships and awards to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our members. Two members were conferred the HKLA Fellowship in recognition of their contributions to the profession, and three members were awarded through our bursary and award schemes. Lastly, our President and Vice President presented certificates to students of librarianship and contributors to HKLA projects. It was great to celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow HKLA members!
– Melissa Man