
Getting to Know HKLA Fellows 2023


Getting to Know HKLA Fellows 2023

Mr. Timothy KWAN. Knowledge Management Unit, Hospital Authority

HKLA Fellow 2023 - Timothy KWAN

Q: Why did you become a librarian?

A: In my undergraduate studies, I often studied at library where my curiosity led me on how Chinese books were organized on bookshelves in a proper order as computers were not popular at that time. After graduation, my first job was Chinese cataloging librarian at public library that began my career journey in library. I learnt technical skills through on-the-job training and supervisor’s guidance on classification, cataloging, subject cataloging, and end-processing. Over years, I earned valuable experiences in technical services and systems, and completed my master degrees in computer science, and in library and information management, that I became a librarian. These experiences, skills and knowledge drove me with confidence in delivering library services at different types of libraries.

Q: What’s the best part of your job?

A: The best part of my job was developing collections through acquisitions, cataloging and managing book records in library integrated system, especially building the e-book collection shared among five tertiary institutions.

Q: Can you share the most memorable moment in your career as a librarian?

A: The most memorable moment was when I was in charge of the implementation of the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) system at Learning Resources Centres in IVE (Tsing Yi) and IVE (Sha Tin). I learnt in my own special class starting from scratch in understanding RFID, applying RFID system to library, guiding library staff to use RFID in technical services and circulations, and promoting RFID-enabled self-check service. Although there was a lot of work to follow up, I was enjoyable and received colleagues’ support. The results were very satisfactory. I believe it is unforgettable when you participate in a project to build the future.

Q: What is the most important trend we will see in the next 5 years in libraries?

A: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is popular and being applied to systems in all walks of life. As libraries have already gone digital, we would be often aware how A.I. can affect libraries in reader services, technical services, search capability, resource access, and scholarly communications, etc. Especially staff training is essential when a new technology is adopted in libraries.

Q: What is one thing you want other librarians to know about special libraries?

A: Working in special library is not applying your library knowledge and skills but also learning the knowledge from the parent organization. It helps the special library service development follow the plan of the parent organization.

Q: What does HKLA mean to you?

A: Having been the treasurer for four years, I am grateful to had this opportunity to work with and to learn from other librarians, and to participate in organizing library activities. The experience not only enriched my knowledge but also developed different skills. I would like to express my gratitude to former and current presidents, and council members for their efforts and times in serving the council.

Q: Any other message you want to share with HKLA members?

A: HKLA is a unique place that gathers librarians from Hong Kong, Macau and overseas. I hope members enjoy the HKLA activities to earn special experiences, share ideas and expand their networks.