Learning about the HKLA Biennial Award
Every year, HKLA awards bursaries to support our members’ learning, research, and development. This year there are two awards available: the Heleni Linton Bursary and the HKLA Biennial Award. The awards are a great opportunity for students and professionals to be recognized for their achievements and to receive support from HKLA. The beneficiaries will receive their awards at the 2018 Annual General Meeting in December. To share more information about the awards and to let you know how you can benefit, we interviewed the HKLA Education and Training Officer, Ms Helen Chan. This time, find out what she has to say about the HKLA Biennial Award below!

Q: Why was the Hong Kong Library Association Biennial Award set up?
Helen: HKLA established the Hong Kong Library Association Biennial Award to provide comprehensive professional support to HKLA members in 2010. The HKD 10,000 award is offered once every two years. The Award aims to support the professional development of the awardees in attending conferences, workshops, seminars, overseas professional visits, preparation of scholarly publication or any other professional activities. The Award supports activities which are not sponsored by employers, other scholarships, or other bursaries.
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
Helen: Any Full Member of the Association with at least three years of post-qualification experience in related fields who are currently working in libraries at professional ranks up to second post-probational professional level, or at any levels of paraprofessional rank, are eligible to apply for the Award. Since the definition of paraprofessional ranks and post-probationary professional ranks vary among individual libraries, you can consult the table of eligible professional and paraprofessional ranks on the HKLA website: https://hkla.org/study-programme/awards/.
Q: How can I apply for the Bursary?
Helen: Go to the HKLA website (https://hkla.org/study-programme/awards/) and fill out the application form. Outline your proposal for using the funds to support your professional development, and describe how the Award will benefit you in addition to the sustainable development of the field. The Award selection panel welcomes any additional information you could provide for a better understanding of the contribution the Award could make on your professional development and the field. Contact details of a referee from your institution who can comment on your proposal is requested. Last but not least, if you are in receipt of any other funds or grants to support your research, please provide details of the award, amount and awarding institution or organization.
Q: Who should apply for the Bursary?
Helen: All eligible applicants will be reviewed by a panel of HKLA council members. Factors, including the impact of the Award on the professional development and career of the applicant; the contribution of the proposal to the field of library and information science; the originality of ideas; feasibility and quality of the proposal, will be taken into consideration. Proactive and creative Full Members are encouraged to apply!
Q: Anything else we should know?
Helen: HKLA is proud to support Full Members through the Hong Kong Library Association Biennial Award. We look forward to receiving your proposal.