
Membership Application Form (Institution)

Membership Application Form (Institution)

The information provided will be used solely for membership related purposes.
For renewal, you only need to fill in the compulsory fields and those that require update. 除必須填寫的資料,續會會員可只填寫需要更新的資料。

會費繳付 Payment

會費 Membership fee: $500

會籍為期一年,自每年1月1日起至12月31日止。於6月30日以後加入的新會員, 只需支付一半年費。Membership lasts for one calendar year from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. New members joining after 30 June should pay one-half of the regular subscription rates.

你的會員卡將作為你的收據。 如需正式收據,請在方格內加上「✓」。 Your membership card will be your receipt. If a formal receipt is required, please check this box.

機構資料 Organization Details

英文 English
中文 Chinese
城市 City
國家 Country
The Organization Email will be used for correspondence. 機構電郵地址將會用作會員通訊。

聯絡人資料 Contact Person

Given name
城市 City
國家 Country

會員電郵通訊錄 Members Email List

如你不願意加入會員電郵通訊錄,接收如招聘廣告、會議資訊、課程項目、特別優惠等電郵,請在方格內加上「✓」。 Please check this box if you do not want to be included in our members email list, through which we distribute messages such as job adverts, conference information, programmes and courses, special offers, etc.