Membership Application Form Membership Application Form (Individual) 所提供之資料僅用作與會籍有關之事宜. The information provided will be used solely for membership related purposes.會員編號 Membership I.D. (續會用 For Renewal) For renewal, you only need to fill in the compulsory fields and those that require update. 除必須填寫的資料,續會會員可只填寫需要更新的資料。會籍 Membership *專業會員 Full members (HK$250)副專業會員 Associate members (HK$150)通訊會員 Corresponding members (HK$50)學生會員 Student members (HK$50)會籍為期一年,自每年1月1日起至12月31日止。於6月30日以後加入的新會員, 只需支付一半年費. 學生/通訊會員已享優惠年費, 沒有再優惠。Membership lasts for one calendar year from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. New members joining after 30 June should pay one-half of the regular subscription rates, except student / corresponding members who already enjoy special rates.會費繳付 Payment付款方法 Payment Method *支票 Cheque: 請以香港銀行支票支付予香港圖書館協會 Cheque must be made payable to Hong Kong Library Association and drawn on a bank in Hong Kong.入賬 Bank-in : 直接存入香港圖書館協會於香港匯豐銀行的戶口,戶口號碼:511-335846-838。Bank transfer to HKLA’s HSBC account (511-335846-838); 上傳或把入賬收據電郵至[email protected] Upload or email the bank-in receipt to [email protected].上傳入賬收據 Upload bank-in receipt *收據 Receipt需要 Yes你的會員卡將作為你的收據。 如需正式收據,請在方格內加上「✓」。 Your membership card will be your receipt. If a formal receipt is required, please check this box.個人資料 Personal Details稱謂 Title 博士 Dr.小姐 Miss女士 Ms.先生 Mr.太太 Mrs.英文姓名 Name in English *SurnameGiven Name *Given name中文姓名 Name in Chinese已獲取圖書館專業學歷 Qualifications Obtained in Librarianship證書副本 Certificate Copy新會員請附上證書副本 New member please enclose a copy of your certificate圖書館課程(修讀中) Library Course (currently studying)學生身份證明副本 Student Identity Copy請附上學生身份證明副本 Please enclose a copy of student identity card or evidence of enrollment 通訊資料 Corresponding Details通訊地址 Mailing AddressCity城市 CityCountry國家 Country電郵 Email *電話 Phone流動電話 Mobile所屬機構 Affiliated Organization機構名稱 Organization name職位 Position held機構地址 Organization Address同上 Same as the Mailing AddressOrganization AddressOrganization City城市 CityOrganization Country國家 Country機構類別 Organization Category大學圖書館-教資會 Academic Library – UGC大學圖書館-非教資會 Academic Library – Non-UGC公共圖書館 Public Library學校圖書館 School Library專科圖書館 Special Library其他 Others會員電郵通訊錄 Members Email List不加入 Do not subscribe如你不願意加入會員電郵通訊錄,接收如招聘廣告、會議資訊、課程項目、特別優惠等電郵,請在方格內加上「✓」。 Please check this box if you do not want to be included in our members email list, through which we distribute messages such as job adverts, conference information, programmes and courses, special offers, etc.PhoneSubmit 提交